Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Some Of The Pros And Cons Of Drone Based Aerial Mapping Tennessee Engineers Experience

By Harold Parker

Logging, mining, and construction sites can cover vast terrain that can be dangerous and difficult to reach. In order to excavate and level ground and to establish boundaries, companies have relied on manned survey teams and aerial photographers in helicopters and light aircraft. They have also used existing topography maps that were recorded years before. With the advent of drone based aerial mapping Tennessee engineers have been able to map sites faster, more accurately, and with less risk to their crews.

In difficult terrain pinpointing the location of equipment and materials, in order to move them to another location. Can take time. It may be hard to tell how many tons of earth has to be removed before the site can be prepared for construction. Without vital information, managers can't accurately assess the progress of a job or tell the client when to expect completion.

All of this changed with the drones. Bosses have the ability to free up construction crews, surveyors, and architects and make their jobs much easier. The construction companies are able to accept more work than was possible before. This creates more job opportunities and more revenue.

Budget overruns on large construction jobs are so common experts have done studies to determine the most common causes. It comes as no surprise to the managers and crews working the sites that adverse weather conditions, difficulty getting equipment into a site, and an inability to accurately monitor a crew's activities often result in expensive delays. The companies utilizing drones have seen a significant drop in the amount of time it takes to survey a site.

Construction, mining, and logging sites offer some of the most dangerous working conditions around. OSHA has made a big difference in reducing risk in the workplace, but there are certain conditions, in these types of jobs, that can't be avoided if they are performed by humans. Drones further reduce the risk to crews, contractors, and suppliers. They may eventually eliminate the need to use human labor under certain conditions.

The FAA requires companies utilizing drones to get exemptions and authorizations, which have to be submitted to air traffic control centers in order to examine any air traffic conflicts. At the present time, commercial drones can only be operated by licensed pilots. This limits the ability of companies when it comes to staffing projects.

Companies using drones face other challenges as well. Many private citizens have concerns about drones invading their privacy and threatening their security. They fear that drones can monitor and record them, and that the resulting information could fall into the wrong hands. Clients with traditional views sometimes have negative reactions when companies suggest the use of drones.

Unmanned craft is the future, and the potential uses are vast. It will be invaluable to crews charged with renovating the country's infrastructure if Congress ever passes such a bill. Most believe that the many advantages of drone technology far outweigh the concerns.

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